Do you know what we all must do? Clean. We clean our homes, our bodies, our vehicles, our pets, our food and more. Do you like to clean? Do you hate it? Do you need help with it? Do you want to learn about a simpler way to clean? Save yourself some money down the road, save space, save your health and time? Do you want to not worry when the kids or pets get into your cleaning supplies? You have come to the right place! I'm Lisa Oster a Norwex Independent Consultant and I'm here to help you learn a safer way to do the things we all need to do. I also will show you how to be a wise consumer and what's in our everyday products. This channel is here to share tips and tricks as well as solid information so you can create a safe haven for your loved ones and get on with living a great life now and on into the future. The planet will thank you.
I appreciate you! Thank you.