So get to know me quick!! Im a mom of 3, , and I have been with my husband for 11 years!
I was a struggling hairstylist, we were always short $200 or more each month, constantly robbing Peter to pay Paul. I was selling the things I own while my husband was at work so I could buy groceries and clothes. It freaking sucked. It got so bad for us, I was continuously choosing gas or groceries?? and even hanging sheets in our living room to keep the heat in that one room during the winter because we couldn't afford our heating bill!! I was DESPERATE. And I was OVER. IT. Anything you connect with??
😫 it stinks right!!?
Thank GOD I found this business, I got started right away because I KNEW if I didnt change my situation NOW, it would NEVER get better!!! made $200 my first 2 weeks....five months later I made MORE in one month than I did at the salon and FOREVER quit my job!Right now, I am the #3 money earner and leader in the world!!
My goal is to teach you EVERYTHING I know!!