I do not take amv requests but I do take WORMs and MEPs [selectively].
←→ メイドカフェ ←→
(\ /) (\ /)
( . .) ( . .) ...♥
dehinfamoustigerbunnayy :DD
Bunnyy loveee♥ Ai-Lahv-jooo!
←→ W o r k i n g - O n ←→
•S K E T C H B O O K
[Bankotsu x Kagome] - 55%
[Jon Snow × Arwen] - 30%
• S C R A P B O O K.
{Obvious - Hey Monday}
[Tamaki x Haruhi S.] - 80% CANCELLED
• Break this crown Part III & trailer
[Legloas x Daenerys x Jon] - TBA
♪ ♫ S I M P L E - D - D I M P L E ♪ ♫
[MARRIED] to the love of my life for over 7 years. Mommy life.
Crossover and story amvs are my main deal because canon is boring.
Weirdness is awesomeness.
"Okaeri nasai mase, goshujin-sama!"