🔥 Welcome to Phoenix Music 🔥
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→ Pop back Every Wednesday and Saturday for a Brand New Album Upload
→ We post new tracks every day at GMT 12 Noon and 9PM
→ "I like your Shorts - Our shorts, we like flashy Bermuda..." Sporadic Shorts at the ready Check the Tag, you know the Maker :)
→ You enjoying the stuff? Yep... great stuff, that's why we're here thanks for coming along for the ride.
Current Genre's
🔥Screamo🔥Heavy Metal 🔥Rock 🔥Alternate 🔥Blues 🔥Jazz 🔥Pirate 🔥 Soundtrack 🔥Folk 🔥Rap 🔥 Ecteronic 🔥 Synth 🔥Art 🔥Experimental
🔥 We love having you here and if the feeling takes you have a natter and leave a comment, we always chat back. 🔥
→ The Work used in the videos is our property, PhoenixTheTalker & Phoenix Music releases are originals, crafted for your enjoyment.