In honour of superstar Amitabh Bachchan, who recently turned 70, Kiwi musician Mikey McCleary's band The Bartender brings you B Seventy, an album featuring revamped versions of AB's most iconic hit film songs. The band's musical muses are Anushka Manchanda, Shalmali Kholgade and Mauli Dave. This peppy album, while staying true to the original soul of the songs, combines reggae with caberet and motown.
The Bartender's first album 'Classic Bollywood, Shaken not Stirred' re-invents some of the most beautiful songs from 50s and 60s Bollywood in a jazzy seductive style and includes hits such as Khoya Khoya Chand from Shaitan and Tum Jo Mil Gaye Ho from the Coke "invisible bottle" TV ad. Mikey proves again, that Classic Bollywood is truly timeless.