Throughout the 1960s, 70s, 80s and early 90s, WTTV was known in Central Indiana for its local programming, including children's shows Janie (previously Popeye and Janie) and Cowboy Bob's Corral (previously Chuckwagon Theatre, both starring Bob Glaze as Cowboy Bob).
In addition to local programming, WTTV aired plenty of movies in the early afternoon and prime time slots. They also aired cartoons both mixed in with locally produced children's shows in the afternoons from 3 to 5 pm.
In the evenings, WTTV aired off-network sitcoms. Horror movies were presented late-nights by Sammy Terry, a ghoulish vampire character portrayed by Bob Carter. The station frequently ran local advertising which included Dave Mason Buick, "Old Dave needs the money", who was often shown in the stands during coverage of the Marion County Fair.
Sammy Terry Originally Aired 1962 - 1989
TV Specials in 1999, 2003, 2004, 2005
Sammy Terry still makes personal appearances around Halloween.