Hayat (Nilsu Berfin Aktaş), who came to Istanbul with her father Ökkeş (Genco Özak) for her dreams, participates in the fashion competition of Harisoğlu Holding. Holding owner Yılmaz (Uğur Çavuşoğlu) finds himself in a circle of revenge when his father's old enemy turns up. Yılmaz's unexpected marriage proposal, who wants to be a big family, will have a bomb effect on everyone.
Hayat: Nilsu Berfin Aktaş
Ali: Genco Özak
Ökkeş: Savaş Özdemir
Yılmaz: Uğur Çavuşoğlu
Şaheste: Nilüfer Açıkalın
Ufuk: Ali Burak Ceylan
Yasemin: Aleyna Solaker
Meral: Öykü Çelik
Zehra: Zeynep Kumral
Vedat: Önder Açıkbaş
Yadigar: Koray Şahinbaş
Asu: Pelin Uluksar
Pınar: Hira Koyuncuoğlu
Heves: Belgin Şimşek