John here. A Scottish-Aztec US born citizen. Manifester generator. Free to stay, free to go.
Shop number (615-416-9636)
$52.50 an hour due to the fact that I own my operation and charge what I want. All sales are based on discussion. Any changes will go through a change order process and will be charged accordingly. Time and labor will be applied to scope work with an additional charge.
Open to conversations with humans of any race with a soul or without, that smell decent. I appreciate the fact that Google has been an accurate tool for navigating information. All knowledge acquired via the US Government to read, write and dress. Personal life time experience and still learning. Only went to college to try it out.I have a one of a kind Love for myself, God and all the rest of the MFS. I don't know how to pray for others due to the fact that I do not want to interrupt their course.Not really a Mozart fan.Beethoven and Tchaikovsky kinda guy.Agreed on natal charts.