Hi there!
My channel is all about "farming" guides!
I made this channel for efficient farming,
because noone like to waste time with farming.
And at that time noone had guides like this so here we go :D
I optimized everything for the fastest possible routs,
so u don't have to time and plan everything!
Just play it on your phone or secondary monitor and tag along!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/DARgaming
Discord Tag: DÁRGaming#1293
Discord Server: discord.gg/xQ6fgbejhH
Twitter: @DRGamin32148502
Twitter: twitter.com/DRGamin32148502
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/darchannel
Support me if u like the content : streamlabs.com/gaming4fun-X6ZjZv/tip