Hello! Welcome To MDA Stories 😍
This is a second channel of My Diary Animated. Our team aims to create a strong and safe community for teens where they can share their emotional, awkward, heartbreaking, most importantly, REAL STORIES with the world.
All content in this channel is owned by SCONNECT
#WOAStory #StoryTime #animatedstories
Watch our videos in more languages:
► In French: youtube.com/@MonJournalAnimeFrancais/videos
► In Spanish: youtube.com/@midiarioanimadoEspanol/videos
► In Thai: youtube.com/@WOAThailandAnimatedStory/videos
► In Russian: youtube.com/channel/UCqSeYr7YOiFD1toCZAeACfw
► In German: youtube.com/@MeineAnimierteGeschichte/videos
► In Portuguese: youtube.com/channel/UCgBYJl1ACJG64Y9cN1NtBSQ
► In Arabic: youtube.com/channel/UCUzbZiGQvhcf-FhH2-DCVGQ