Hii friends this is Shasrin sharing you many useful informations about pregnancy tips, natural Solution for PCOD/PCOS, women care, children health those i have gained knowledge form various sources.I wish no one should long for baby since i too faced the worse days of infertility so i wish every woman in this world a fertile and happy life. My main motto is to spread the goodness of nature which helps people and cure them from many illness.I am gathering all these valuable informations from various magazines.So kindly support my channel for more interesting info.Thankyou for being a part in our Wingz of Women Tree.
All contents in the videos are based on my knowledge and experience.The informations provided on this channel are for general purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. We are trying to provide perfect, valid, specific and detailed information.We are not a licensed professional so make sure with your professional consultant if you need.