Hello, my name is IsaBelle Rodrigues and I present the Channel Recipes da Belle, welcome!
In 2020, my family and I decided to create the Canal Recipes da Belle and there were several reasons that made us make this decision, including the countless recipes that I tried to reproduce from the internet and failed, which left me very frustrated, as I I wasted ingredients, time and energy on something that didn't work. So in 11/2020 we created Belle's Recipe Channel and since then we have always strived to bring you delicious recipes, from the simplest to the most complicated, in an easy and economical way for you to get them right the first time without wasting time, ingredients and energy , bringing love and happiness with every bite!
Want to check out how I turned frustration into delicious recipes? So come with me!
Follow our social networks:
• Twitter: @receitasbelle
• Instagram: @receitas.da.belle
• Contact email: isamlu@gmail.com