El Punto The Spot podcast is a Bi-Lingual internet radio talk-show, powered by Chris Gotti and his the music distribution company Add Ventures Music, giving the independent artist an outlet to be seen and heard on a bigger platform with hot interviews & live in studio performances. Also welcomed to El Punto The Spot are fashion designers, music execs and producers, book writers, community activist, film & web-series directors. Join us as we talk about the latest news and get visits from stars from across the film, web-series, & music industry spectrum.
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Hosted By: Chris Gotti, Don Dinero, Dex Diamond, Ape_In_The_Flesh, D.J. Marvls
Produced By: Yvie Lite
Filmed & Edited By Author Everlazt of EverDomo Media everdomo.com
FaceBook: www.facebook.com/elpunto.thespot.5
website: www.addventuresmusic.com/
Instagram: @elpuntothespot