Olivia Spencer and Natalia Rivera, (Otalia) were a fictional couple from the American CBS daytime drama Guiding Light. Olivia is portrayed by Crystal Chappell, and Natalia is portrayed by Jessica Leccia.
Their story began in 2007 when they were vying for the affections of Gus Aittoro. After he died in early 2008, their relationship slowly blossomed into a beautiful love story.
Sadly, Guiding Light aired its last episode on 18th September 2009.
Afrer Guiding Light, Crystal reprised her role on DOOL, and Jessica joined OLTL.
Crystal also went on to create the Emmy award winning web series, Venice, with Kim Turrisi, and Hope Royaltey. Crystal plays the lead character, Gina, and has been re-united with her Otalia co-star, Jessica Leccia, who plays Gina's ex, Ani. The show also features many more well known daytime faces.
For more info on Venice visit; www.venicetheseries.com
& follow Crystal on twitter;