I graduated from film school some years ago and always dreamed about a job editing music videos and trailers. I genuinely wanted a career in voice acting as well. Even though these dreams haven’t panned out for me, this is still my creative space to do what I love when I have time for it. I love hearing feedback from like-minded people who enjoy the same things that I do, and I want to continue making videos that make people smile. This is my re-brand, I used to be Katara48, but realistically I haven’t used that tag in a long time. I am considering more projects, some voice overs, and maybe even streaming some day. I haven’t decided yet. But regardless, I have no schedule, no fame from YouTube or any other platform, just the need to be creative and have some fun. Unless of course, some day people start begging for more. If that ever happens, I’ll be honored to oblige!