Subscribers have access to my archive of music sheets now. I send my music sheets Via Skype. (ArizumaKizangi) is my name on it and also my music sheets are not in pdf format, so to be able to view or open the files, you will need to download Finale Notepad (its free). You will have to have at least the 2008 addition but from what I heard everything up to 2011 addition is free right now.
(09/07/2011) #1 Subscriber: Rachieworld
(27/07/2011) #10 Subscriber: NongChen
(15/08/2011) #20 Subscriber: Minukun
(06/09/2011) #30 Subscriber: RieChanBR
(17/09/2011) #40 Subscriber: TheDarksunRises
(29/09/2011) #50 Subscriber: deltadanman
(09/10/2011) #60 Subscriber: elsvier
(20/11/2011) #70 Subscriber: BrutishLearner4
(18/12/2011) #80 Subscriber: msPlain83
(15/01/2012) #90 Subscriber: Ex0oTiiK
(22/01/2012) #100 subscriber: SuperFirecore