To battle(in anything), simply IM me at Mistez . If you do not have aim, message me and we'll work something out. I also have msn:
4811 4108 6984 (D/P)
5113 1439 7588 (Platinum)
0903 0057 8710 (PBR)
No Ubers(If this is an OU Battle.)
Sleep Clause
Species Clause
Soul Dew Clause
No Illegal Stats, movesets, or levels
Non-Uber Legends are allowed
No UNFAIR hacks
For Brawl:
No items or stupid stages (unless we're playing a game with items or stages)
Yu-Gi-Oh Championship 2009 Stardust Accelerator: 0732 1615 8169
Mario Kart Wii: 5284 1899 5718 I
Dr. Mario Rx Online: 7340 5340 6545
Tetris Party: 4125 27449055
The Conduit: 5456 7211 2654