This is a dedicated TBS challenge run channel. I play TBS games on the hardest difficulties. I got my honours degree in Computer Games Design and Technology back in 2007 and am basically a massive, massive nerd. I am known especially for Battletech plays and designing Battletech Revised.
I also work as the Lead Community Manager for Slitherine Group. We publish games like Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector, Terminator: Dark Fate, Starship Troopers: Terran Command, Panzer Corps 2, etc.
You can support me directly if you like, it helps keep my channel running and if you do so via Patreon you can also get early access to videos and other benefits!
If you watch all my content, then please make sure to subscribe, it's only fair :). You can also drop me a mail if you so wish, the address is on this page.
I hope you enjoy my channel!