What do you think you know about my life, and how can that inform the way we receive one another?
WYK is a space for youth from underrepresented minorities to speak their mind, free of social bias or political leaning, and to expound on their experience growing up with a hyphenated identity. We are children of a diaspora with wildly varying lives and talents with no authoritative voice to look to for validation and inspiration in the only home we've ever known. WYK is that authority.
What You Know says no one should have to neglect one part of their identity over another. Sporting the Iranian flag on your sleeve next to its American counterpart is an act of unapologetic pride. The original shirt, available now, is the first of more designs to follow that will allow all of our hyphenated Latinx, Black, Asian, South Asian, Middle Eastern brothers and sisters to share in asking, "What You Know" about me?
See more wykclothing.com
More at ruokay.com
IG and TWITTER @wykclothing