Krsakermukhehasi. Com is an official youtub channel. Trough which we sell different types of fish anywhere in Bangladesh.
We publish the fish video. If you interest in cultivating fish and want to get more profit in fish busness.
So~~~ subscribers our channel for the new video.
Contact us anytime ~~
Mobile:- 01885401118
Fb Page :-
Our address:
Village:Dhala,post office :Dhala,post code:2223 police station:Trishal,District:Mymensingh, BD
We sell all kinds of agro fish for cultivation, we provide home service, so donât' sorry for service. We supply good quality fri fish like__
Shing fish,, magur fish,,pabda fish,,gulsa fish,,monosex telapiya fish,, citol fish,,snkehead fish aair fish.
#youtubfishtoutireal #Bangladesh
#Fishcenterbdtoutireal #Fishcenterbd