The Tokai area, consisting of Aichi, Gifu, and Mie prefectures, is located in the center of Japan and is conveniently located for sightseeing in Tokyo and Kyoto.
Nagoya City, the prefectural capital of Aichi Prefecture, is the third largest city in Japan. It is also a Samurai city that produced Tokugawa Ieyasu, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Oda Nobunaga.
Gifu Prefecture is a place where the good old scenery of Japan remains, including Shirakawa-go, a World Heritage village, Hida Takayama, and Gero Onsen.
Mie Prefecture is blessed with seafood, is famous for Matsusaka beef, and is known as a treasure trove of food. It is home to Ise Shrine and is a place where myths remain.
The Tokai region is a local and regional area. Therefore, each prefecture has things that are typical of Japan, such as good old culture (Japanese Festivals/Matsuri).