Welcome to my channel and thanks for stopping by...
I am a single dad bringing up my son in a world that is full of anxiety, hatred and disillusion and I want to positively encourage him and others about all the good things online and with YouTube. With all this sadness in the world I want to be a little beacon of light bringing fun, smiles and hope to your screen. It will be packed with fun videos, reviews and interviews with YouTubers and influencers.
I don't expect to become rich from it but in these uncertain times it is a nice dream to be able to support and give my son even just the basics in life...
If you would like to take part in one of my shows please do get in touch, all I ask is that you already have a YouTube channel with 10 subscribers or more and you, like me, think the world right now needs as much positive encouragement as possible.
Be safe out there and I look forward to maybe seeing you on one of my shows.