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工地習俗☄️開工拜拜大吉Construction site customs 💰Good luck with the start of work #下一战歌手 #火 #excavator 推高機視角☄️Forklift viewing angle지게차 관점#做工的人 #心的方向#周華健 安全很重要💰高空作業纜繩固定檢測Safety is very important✅️Aerial work rope fixation inspection#做工的人 #職業安全#高空作業 #挪吒2 難得一見🚜馬路材料出貨前抽查檢驗Rarely seen🚜Spot inspection of road materials before shipment#洗油#篩分析#馬歇爾試驗 砂石與瀝清廠的好朋友A good friend of gravel and asphalt plants#大型推土機#做工的人 #玖壹壹 #讓世界都看見 大貨兄弟們都會懂的📷All the big guys will understand. #做工的人 #必巡 警示燈檢查小技巧Warning light inspection tips #做工的人 #哪吒2 剷土機馬路清潔Bobcat road cleaning삽도로 청소 #做工的人#KHÔNG SAO CẢ (Feat. 7dnight) · RAP VIỆT 新年快樂🐉祝福"蛇"麼都有#農曆新年 #蛇年春晚 蛇出來,蛇我其誰,預祝金蛇報喜新年快樂#黃明志 #王彩樺 #廣廷工程 溝蓋周邊壞掉了The area around the ditch cover is broken.도랑 덮개 주변이 파손되었습니다.#construction #泥作 #廣廷工程 獨輪車的巧思The ingenuity of a unicycle외발자전거의 독창성#construction #做工的人 #阿杜#andy #excavator #construction #做工的人 #廣廷工程 鋪馬路鋪築機出料第一視角First view of road paving machine discharging materials#construction #必巡#曾瑋中 挖土機施工第一視角Excavator construction first perspective#construction #excavator #做工的人 組裝nh 34 機芯錶盤技巧Tips for assembling nh 34 movement dial#watch #nh34 #機械錶 #gmt #nh34錶盤#nh34機芯 NH 34 gmt機芯自動陀(轉子改標奧運logo)NH 34 movement automatic rotor ( relabeled with the Olympic logo)#機械錶#diy 天氣再冷馬路一樣要鋪No matter how cold the weather is,the roads still need to be paved날씨가 아무리 추워도 도로는 포장이 필요해요 就是想釘模板Just want to nail the template그냥 템플릿을 못 박고 싶어#浪子回頭 #任賢齊 天啊😱我的車鈑金凹陷了OMG!My car’s sheet metal is dented내 차 판금이 찌그러졌어#搶救愛車大作戰 浴室整修磁磚縫切割Bathroom renovation tile joint cutting#做工的人 #construction #酒干可賣否 書法亦就佛法非法非非法Calligraphy is also illegal and not illegal according to Buddhism#書藝#書法#甲骨文 有整齊耶🤩安裝漂亮整齊的管線設置It’s neat and tidyThe beautiful and neat pipelines are installed파이프라인 설정 認真的男人最帥氣Serious men are the most handsome진지한 남자가 가장 잘생겼다#砌磚#construction 捅到恐怖的紅螞蟻窩Stab into the terrifying red ant nest무서운 붉은 개미 둥지에 찔러보세요 哎呀!我的錶帶蝴蝶扣壞了oops! My watch strap butterfly buckle is broken이런! 시계줄 나비 버클이 부러졌습니다 #watch #蝴蝶扣更換#蕭敬騰 機械錶自動陀拆裝練習Mechanical watch automatic rotor disassembly and assembly practice기계식 시계 자동로터 분해 및 조립실습 牆角修繕技巧Corner repair tips코너 수리 요령コーナー補修のヒント#construction #廣廷工程 面對危機唯有全神關注的面對與化解In the face of crisis, we can only face and resolve it with full attention#足球 #化解危機 無縫地墊施工方式Seamless floor mat construction method심리스 바닥매트 시공방법#橡膠粒料#無縫地墊#特色遊戲場#construction 應如似柱(應如是住)降伏其心#書法##草書#書藝 #金剛經 結構柱結合基礎技巧Structural columns combined with basic techniques기본기법이 결합된 구조기둥#張韶涵#默殺#暮色回响 #construction 彩色無縫地墊人形脫模Colorful seamless floor mat humanoid demoulding다채로운 원활한 바닥 매트 휴머노이드 탈형#圖騰#construction#死侍 #1driver #golfswing #golfskill #aya #golfskill #golftechnique #golfswing Golf swing #golfskill#轉寬#轉肩 原來無縫彩色跑道這樣做It turns out that this is how the seamless color runway is made원활한 다채로운 활주로#construction 看過嗎?無縫地墊圖騰拆模Have you seen it? Seamless floor mat totem mold removal원활한 바닥 매트 토템 곰팡이 제거#做事人#做工的人 #golfswing #golf #golfskill #1driver #klaxon#(G)I-DLE 真的難得一見🧋大型道路銑孔機It’s really rare to see Large-scale road milling machine대형 도로 밀링 머신 #construction 1號木桿的揮擊Driver swing드라이버 스윙#golf #golfswing #golfswing 頭上飛過去的應該是IDF戰機Those flying overhead should be IDF fighter jets上空を飛んでいるのはIDF戦闘機のはずだ#戰鬥機 #IDF #F16 #幻象 終於在NBA灌籃成功Finally succeeded in dunking in the NBA#basketball#AI#虛擬世界#搞笑 終於投進NBA第一顆三分球Finally made the first three-pointer in the NBA#basketball #AI合成#viggle 打球要專心🤣小心被偷襲了Be careful when playing football🤣Be careful of being attacked #badminton #yy #arc 11pro 零秒出手真人版Real-life version released in zero seconds0초만에 실물버전 공개#basketball #灌籃高手 墨出青松煙雨落永平安The ink emerges from the green pines and the mist and rain fall to eternal peace.#雨墨#草書 馬路翻新不能沒有它Road renovation cannot be done without it도로 개량은 그것 없이는 할 수 없다#刨除機做工的人 #중국노래 #永不失联的爱