It's sad to say, but Lilium is closed!
I tried to make this studio come alive again, but the member just don't help the studio, they join the MEPs, but never finish their parts, at least, the most of them, and then I have to replace them every time. And I always have to take an estra part or ask someone to do it because there are always free parts, the member don't care about Lilium.
I like this studio, but, I'm tired of it right now!
It was good to be the leader, to be friends with the most of the members, but, it just started to dissolve.
Well, goodbye everyone, it was really good to a member, then co-leader and then leader. I've been member for 3 years. Well, That's all.
After 3 years, Lilium is leaving YouTube.
Goodbye everyone!
~ xNagisaKun