Ten years ago everything was wrong. I was in the wrong relationship, the wrong career, I had unresolved PTSD surfacing that I had suppressed for years, anxiety disorder, post-natal depression and chronic physical pain that my Dr told me I'd have forever!
After a profound self-healing journey, using empowering tools to heal myself; EFT tapping, StarMagic Healing, Quantum Healing, The Gene Keys and Dr Bradley Nelson's Emotion Code, I am now the happiest I've ever been, self-employed, positive relationships, living my purpose, pain and symptom free and now at 50, I haven't seen a Dr for 10 years, I don't need to. I don't take any pharmaceuticals. I don't need them. Most don't believe it's possible to solve life problems like this!
But I know we all CAN if we CHOOSE. Many people I love are sick and believe there is nothing they can do to help themselves and that illness and struggle is inevitable. It actually is if you go that way.
But if YOU become the guru, there is magic and freedom!