Dear diary, Former mute here. Kitsune. Babalon my mistress. Taking Face. Do My Best Here. Goin Biblical and Political. Would feel better if a politician said this on air.
Now Now I know I’m not some sort of humble Child Molester, Pedifile, OR Child Predator and I know this may disappoint or even confuse some of u… if not all of u… but facts stand clear… I want a woman in the sheets… I’m not… Nor have I ever. Been some sort of… Child Molester, Pedifile, Or Child predator… OR WHATEVER OTHER GODS FORSAKEN Word Human-Kind has come up with to Give me a God Damn hart-attack because that’s-what’s-happening-to-me-right-Now with all your DISBEliefs. Now I know for a fact I’d Never. And-I-MEAN-NEVER do I ever EVER! Plan on being such a HORrendoUS human being not a Single day in my Life nor in the afterlife, spirt world or any world after that. Cause evidently at some point everyone stops giving a damn about u. But the KinG… he cares Now. Now more than eve-a. Despite what the people may think.