in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
感覺腦子沒在發片上 不是有點想休息
但我現在還是如此 不知道能否慢慢好轉?
所以我吃隔壁的英式甜點…口感很特別… 名稱有點特別叫甚來著?🤔😂
Recently, I haven’t been in a great state. It feels like my mind isn’t focused on creating content. It’s not just that I want a break—I’ve basically been slacking off and taking a hiatus. But I keep telling myself I shouldn’t do this…
Do you ever feel the same way? I’m still like this right now and don’t know if things will gradually improve.
Can you believe tomorrow is already December? Time flies so fast! At the end of the month, I’m planning to try the Michelin-starred Fu Hang Soy Milk—heard it’s always packed with people!
So I had the English dessert from the shop next door… The texture was quite unique. The name was a bit unusual—what was it called again? 🤔😂
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我起雞皮疙瘩了! 冠軍🏆 ! 台灣棒球打敗日本得冠軍!👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏🏆🏆🏆“I got goosebumps! Champion 🏆! Taiwan’s baseball team defeated Japan to win the championship!”
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Italjet Dragster 是市面上一款令人驚艷的義大利頂級速可達,它以獨特的設計與運動性能為賣點,提供 125cc 和 200cc 兩種排氣量選擇。與大多數強調便利性和儲物空間的速可達不同,這台車顯然更注重騎乘樂趣與操控體驗,車廂空間反而不是它的重點。
最近,在街上偶然看到一台 Italjet Dragster,讓人印象深刻的是,它竟然是用來接送小朋友的。由於後座空間偏小,這樣的用途顯得特別有趣。Dragster 雖然外觀張揚、性能極佳,但在這樣的日常場景中,卻顯出一絲反差的幽默感。
如果延伸這樣的情境,Dragster 的擁有者或許是對生活質感有追求的人,既喜歡體驗義大利工藝帶來的速度快感,也不拘泥於它的實用性,選擇讓這台車成為生活的一部分。不論是為通勤增添樂趣,還是單純為了吸引街頭目光,Dragster 確實是既高調又特別的選擇。
The Italjet Dragster is an impressive high-end Italian scooter that stands out in the market. It offers two engine options, 125cc and 200cc, and focuses on riding enjoyment and sporty handling rather than practicality. Unlike most scooters that prioritize storage space and convenience, the Dragster is designed to deliver a thrilling riding experience, with storage being a secondary concern.
Recently, I happened to spot an Italjet Dragster on the street. What caught my attention was that it was being used to pick up a child! Given its relatively small rear seat space, this usage seemed both amusing and unexpected. The Dragster, with its bold design and top-notch performance, appeared surprisingly out of place in such a mundane context, creating a humorous contrast.
Expanding on this scenario, the owner of the Dragster might be someone who values a high-quality lifestyle—someone who enjoys the thrill of Italian engineering but doesn’t feel constrained by its practicality. Whether it’s adding excitement to their daily commute or simply turning heads on the street, the Dragster is undoubtedly a bold and unique choice.
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「第一次接觸無人機就來一台巨無霸尺寸!DJI的植保無人機真是美。」這句話充滿了初次接觸大型無人機的震撼之情,尤其是 DJI 的植保無人機帶來的強烈視覺衝擊。這種機型因為專為農業用途設計,所以尺寸相對於一般拍攝無人機來說大上不少,常給人一種龐然大物的感覺。
這台植保無人機不僅僅是「大」,而且美感十足。DJI 的設計團隊巧妙地將實用性與現代工業美學結合,使得這種大型機具既具科技感又流線帥氣,完全顛覆人們對「工具型無人機」的傳統印象。不少使用者初次見到這種機型,都會被其規模和設計所震撼。
在農業中,DJI 的植保無人機負責噴灑農藥和肥料,讓作業變得自動化和高效化。不用再辛苦地手動噴灑,無人機可以在設定好的軌道上自動飛行,並精準地覆蓋農作物,減少農藥浪費,同時降低對環境的影響。
“Starting off with a massive drone right from the get-go! DJI’s agricultural drone is truly stunning.”
This sentence captures the awe of encountering a large drone for the first time, especially one as impressive as DJI’s agricultural drone. Due to its purpose-built design for agricultural applications, this type of drone is considerably larger than typical photography drones, often giving off an imposing presence.
But it’s not just the size; the drone embodies a unique aesthetic appeal. DJI’s design team has skillfully merged functionality with modern industrial beauty, making this large-scale machinery both tech-savvy and sleek—a total reimagining of what we might expect from a “utility drone.” Many first-time viewers are struck by the sheer scale and design of this model.
In agriculture, DJI’s agricultural drones are used for spraying pesticides and fertilizers, automating and increasing the efficiency of these tasks. Instead of manually spraying chemicals, the drone flies on pre-set paths, covering crops precisely, reducing pesticide waste, and lowering environmental impact.
For someone encountering this type of drone for the first time, it’s hard not to marvel at how advanced technology has become so seamlessly integrated into our lives. From small recreational drones to massive agricultural ones, these advances not only defy expectations but also spark excitement about the possibilities of the future.
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Last week, I got infected with adenovirus, and it was quite an experience! This virus seems to bring symptoms to whichever area it targets, making it feel like I could “track” its path. It started with a sore throat, then progressed to red, swollen eyes, a cough, and even a slight fever—almost like experiencing a full tour of symptoms!
Adenovirus can affect various systems, including the respiratory tract, eyes, and digestive system, causing symptoms as varied as the common cold, pharyngitis, conjunctivitis, and even digestive discomfort. It’s surprising how unpredictable it is. Hopefully, this infection boosts my immunity a bit, so next time I encounter something similar, I’ll be better prepared to handle it!
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“First discussion and interview with a popular British blogger (influencer) living in four countries, including China and Vietnam!”
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October 2nd, a typhoon day. When I woke up in the morning, the sun was shining brightly outside, and the sky was so blue that there wasn’t a cloud in sight. Seeing such weather, one couldn’t help but wonder if a typhoon was really coming today. People were still strolling leisurely on the streets, and those in the cafés didn’t seem rushed, as if they were enjoying this rare day off. However, as time passed, the weather suddenly changed.
By a little after 5 PM, the once warm sunlight was gradually swallowed by dark clouds, and the wind began to pick up, causing the tree branches to sway wildly. In just a few short hours, the sky darkened as if it were night, with gusts of wind lifting fallen leaves off the ground. The rain, which had started as a light drizzle, intensified into a downpour.
It became clear that this wasn’t just an ordinary day off with nice weather, but a typhoon day where the weather could change
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### 1. **大小組的區別**
- **小組**:通常指較小直徑的離合器碗公和搭配的離合器片,適合輕巧的傳動設定。小組的設計能夠提升低速起步的靈敏度,並使引擎更快進入高轉速範圍。這種設計通常更適合都市短程行駛或較頻繁的停車與啟動情境。
- **大組**:大組指的是較大直徑的離合器碗公和離合器片。這樣的設計能夠提供更穩定的加速和更高的持續行駛速度。因為離合器面積更大,熱量分散更均勻,也能更好地應對高速長程行駛,減少離合器過熱的情況。
### 2. **離合器與碗公的結構與功能**
- **離合器片**:離合器片通常有數個摩擦片,當引擎轉速提高時,摩擦片會逐漸擴張,抓住碗公內部,將引擎動力傳遞到後輪。摩擦片的狀況會影響離合器的運作,隨著使用時間的增加,摩擦片會逐漸磨損,這時需要更換。
- **碗公(離合器總成)**:碗公內部有凹槽,配合摩擦片的擴張來傳遞動力。當碗公磨損時,會影響摩擦片的抓力,導致離合器打滑或性能下降。
- **離心原理**:光陽舊款雷霆系列的離合器運作基於離心力。當引擎轉速上升時,離合器片在離心力作用下向外擴展,與碗公內壁接觸,開始傳遞動力。
### 3. **大小組選擇與性能**
- **小組**:更適合希望加速靈敏、短距離騎乘的騎士。小組配置在低速和中速時能夠提供更迅速的反應。
- **大組**:適合長距離騎行或高速巡航使用。由於離合器面積較大,它的耐用性和持久性更好,並且在高溫情況下性能較穩定。
### 4. **改裝與保養**
- 很多雷霆125/150車主會選擇改裝傳動系統,包括更換**高性能的離合器碗公**、**普利盤**、**彈簧**,以優化起步和加速表現。
- **保養建議**:離合器和碗公在長期使用後,摩擦片會磨損,需要定期檢查並更換。同時,碗公的內壁也要注意是否有不規則的磨損,否則會影響摩擦片的運作。
### 5. **相關問題**
- **異常震動**:如果傳動系統的離合器碗公或摩擦片磨損嚴重,可能會出現異常震動或異音。
- **打滑**:離合器打滑是摩擦片磨損或碗公磨損的常見問題。這會導致動力無法有效傳遞,從而影響騎乘性能。
圖3: 簡單一句話, 十幾花下去, 三陽 龍🐲二代也是可以解決😩
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