In this channel, I want to help you master your relationship by sharing with you the things I learnt from many many experiences with women for almost 15 years. I have failed so many times with women and have felt the deep level of pain that most men experience when they feel ignored, rejected, ghosted or dumped by the women that they are into or in love with. During this whole journey there were many times I realised that by doing certain things I felt instant success with women while with other things I got rejected as I lowered the women attraction towards me. Now I have compiled the list of things to do to become successfulI with women and certain things to do to avoid failure. In this YouTube channel, I want to build a youtube community with the purpose of helping everyone of you to immediately excel and get to the point where you can immediately attract the kind of woman you desire. These principles have worked for me, IT WILL WORK FOR YOU if you follow the content in my videos.