Perception is not Reality!
Truth, Justice,Freedom,
Integrity, Science & Reason!
Defend the republic from liars,murderers,and traitors!
Restore our Constitutional Democratic Republic!
Respect international law
Restore habeas corpus and adhere to the Geneva Conventions.
Every American War after 1812 has been sold to the public through lies and false flag terror attacks.
U.S.S. Maine,Lusitania,Pearl Harbor,
Gulf of Tonkin,all lies and provocations,
9/11,OKC bombing, Anthrax attacks,JFK,RFK,thousands of assassinations and torturous experiments with cancer and radiation and mind control,
attempts on Wallace,Reagan and Ted Kennedy, all inside government jobs.
WW1 The "War to end all wars" gave us the injustice of Versailles,The War criminals Churchill,FDR,Hitler,Stalin and Mao.