What's up guys, this is Slimad, where I try to make stuff. Because I am Slimad. Yeah, I think that it is obvious. I'm the only allowed to write a description of my channel, so "I" is Slimad, cause I am him. I hope that you're not here hoping to find interesting information about me. You bastard... I love you, carry on in your life, I support you even if you're a cop. Just chill if you're one of these. You are always so nervous. I don't like nervous people, but I like cheese. Why are you still keep reading this useless amount of shit, it's useless reading a useless thing. But you're not useless, you're important for the society. Without you, the world wouldn't be the same. What's your favourite food? Don't say me what it is, just think about it. Now lick it, in your mind. Is it still your favourite food? If the answer is yes, it's the cheese. Parmigiano reggiano. If no, you were thinking about neapolitan pastiera. You're wrong, it's very tasty. Go ahead and smash it on the floor.