in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Hello, a trailer for update V1.1 of CTGPDX has been released which I'd link but YouTube apparently has issues with video links in posts.
As you can see, LAN and wireless play are officially supported by CTGPDX. While this isn't the online play many people may be hoping for (that simply isn't possible at the moment, you can take a few guesses as to why), you can use a third party solution for enabling lan mode over the internet. For the filming of this trailer, we used xlink kai and you can view the instructions on setting it up for Nintendo Switch here:…
Now, I wanted to set expectations accordingly for this: this does enable lan features over the internet and it's great when it works. In fact, I had a better experience than using actual local wireless at times. However, it requires patience to set up and we often ran into inexplicable issues with it. Some of us were always able to connect to each other instantly. Others had issues connecting and would have to try repeatedly for a half hour to connect. Sometimes we'd be troubleshooting for an hour only for things to just suddenly work. This is not something that the CTGPDX team has control over. We understand and share the frustrations you may (and honestly probably will) have with this feature, but it's not something solvable at the moment.
This isn't meant to be a downer nor is this meant to throw xlink kai under the bus (the fact that it works at all is great!), I just didn't want people going in thinking this is a bulletproof replacement for online play only to get mad when it doesn't work.
On the bright side, seeing other people honk in your game is neat.
17 - 4
An update has been released for DKR Jungle Falls for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe which updates character/course lighting for less disgustingly bright characters and more accurate shadows. You can check it out here:
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An update has been released for DKR Jungle Falls for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe which overhauls course lighting, rescales part of the track for better playability, and makes various other gameplay and visual enhancements. You can check it out here:
17 - 0
An update for Magma Reactor has been released for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe:
The update improves performance, fixes a few bugs, makes some slight visual fixes, and adds a very subtle 1st place backing track to the music (too subtle currently, but I'm being careful not to overdo it since I like the music as is)
15 - 2
An extremely minor update has been released for DKR Haunted Woods for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe which should help improve performance. You can check it out here:
I'll be implementing similar improvements to Magma Reactor since it definitely has some performance struggles in split screen (the starting countdown is noticeably slower than it should be), but it'll likely take a bit since I want to improve the lighting bake at the same time to remove some of the unsightly black spots on the course.
14 - 0
Hey all, I've very recently hit 5k subscribers so I wanted to say thank you for subscribing. As I frequently note, this has never really been a place I wanted to maintain as an actual YouTube channel since I've always viewed this as a dumping ground for whatever videos I want to share so I can't really recommend subscribing, but hey, it's nice to see people have stuck around and/or forgotten to remove me from their subscribed list.
However, statistically speaking I know what you're really here for and that's Mario Kart modding, so I thought I'd give an update on that. First, I intend to finish up a new custom course hopefully within the next month. The course model itself is pretty much done so it'll definitely be done sooner or later, but I still need to make the actual collision model and get it working within game. I do intend to try to share it on YouTube when it's done, but I highly suspect Mario Kart modding videos will be under much heavier scrutiny with a new official installment just around the corner so I do not suspect it to last long. If it does go down, you'll find my custom tracks on gamebanana at so keep an eye out.
After that, I'm not sure what I'll do regarding Mario Kart modding. There's definitely more ideas for courses in my head, but they require a ton of effort and I'm not sure I'd be getting them done any time soon, especially with a new Mario Kart coming out this year. I hope I'll be enjoying that too much to care about making my own courses for a while although honestly, I love MK8DX so much that I'm more scared of a new game messing everything up than I am excited for a new installment so we'll see how it pans out. I'll definitely be checking it out regardless of what happens. I do hope to still do more videos like Track Talk since people really like those and I like making them, and I wouldn't mind doing more custom track roundups but they are less likely to return. So I guess what I'm saying is as quickly as Mario Kart came back on here, it may be slipping away again as the year goes on. know, I really need to stop ending these posts on a down note.
27 - 2
Hey all, it's near the end of the year and I figured I'd give an update/ask for feedback on doing some more Mario Kart stuff. For those of you who may have missed other community posts, the reason I stopped was a combination of burnout, Nintendo (or someone posing as them...we'll talk about that later) taking down my Green Hill Zone video aka my most popular video ever, and Nintendo helping to take down Ryujinx.
However, lately I've been feeling the itch to return to it a bit helped in part by Planet Coaster 2 being a broken mess that I kind of don't want to deal with any more. I'm not making any guarantees, but I did always intend to return to finish a track I had about 80-85% of the way through development and I also want to return to a couple old video series.
Specifically, I wanted to do another Track Talk video, but my idea was to do it in a "safer" way which would only include footage of vanilla MK8 Deluxe (and other games where relevant) and blender footage of the model of the course in question. Now, obviously this would result in a compromised experience compared to the first episode, but I wanted to avoid any issues with covering courses whose videos have been taken down (namely Green Hill Zone and Dry Dry Falls). Now obviously I could just say "screw it" and try it with gameplay footage anyways, but the first video took longer to create than I originally thought and unlike a custom track where if the video disappears the main item still remains, here if the video were to disappear it'd pretty much be a total loss.
Now, I know what some of you are probably going to post: "The takedowns actually aren't Nintendo, here's a video by Kaze Emanuar which explains the whole thing!" (, in case you haven't seen it) Well, I've watched the video and unfortunately a few things with my situation do not line up with the ones outlined in that video. My takedowns are not listed as being done by, they're simply listed as by "Nintendo". 2nd, the video stated that arguing against them resulted in them no-showing to the appeal and the videos being reinstated. I tried this with Green Hill Zone, and was immediately hit with the copyright holder upholding their claim. So in other words, that video doesn't really do me any good.
tl;dr: Mario Kart 8 Track Talk possibly coming back, but without gameplay footage of the tracks for numerous copyright issues that probably will not be resolved. Is it worth the effort?
5 - 0
Hey all, Nintendo has resumed blocking my modding videos on copyright grounds starting with Green Hill Zone's video. Honestly, I was feeling burned out on modding recently as of late so I'm probably going to step out of making any new modding stuff for the time being. You should probably just check up on Gamebanana if I decide to come back since I probably won't be posting videos on them any more.
30 - 8
In honor of there being 4.6K of you being subscribed for whatever reason, I figured I'd give some kind of news update for how things will likely be going around here for the rest of the year.
I plan to release one more custom track this year, hopefully within the next month or so since it would likely end up delayed if after that for several reasons. It's an original track this time, and if the turnaround time seems fairly quick for me, it's because it actually has been worked off and on for a long while now in the background.
I'm unsure if the custom track roundup will be returning. I actually recorded an unreleased episode but it ended up being a bit of a mess since I ended up having my surgery in the middle of it so there is a time skip in the episode and courses I played for that episode have since been updated making the whole thing a bit pointless. Really though, the reasoning behind it possibly not coming back is it feels awkward for me to be reviewing items that are already in CTGPDX which many of the items on the wheel are. I also feel a bit awkward both reviewing tracks behind the scenes for CTGPDX as a tester while also doing separate public reviews. If it comes back, it would likely do so with some kind of overhaul or new rules.
I hope to make another episode of Track Talk at some point since it went over well, but it was more time consuming than I thought it would be. It's also clear that most people want to hear the story behind Green Hill Zone and to be honest, I'm not sure that has as interesting of a story behind it as people may think.
Really though, one reason I wanted to do this update was to talk about what will likely be more random videos coming up soon. For example, Planet Coaster 2 comes out this fall and I'll likely be playing that a ton when it comes out so there may be a weird swerve towards videos on stuff I made in that game. It'll also likely take up all of the sort of "creative time" I currently spend on custom tracks so I don't expect to be working on anything Mario Kart related for a while once it releases. I'm sure there will be other stuff popping up as well, but I mostly wanted to lay that out there now that I don't consider myself a YouTuber and still very much just use this account pretty much as a video repository so if you're here for Mario Kart you may be disappointed for a while.
45 - 4
DKR Fossil Canyon has been updated 1.2.0 for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Unlike my other recent track updates this past week which were largely bug fixes, this one features completely rebaked lighting for the addition to more bug fixes, of course. You can check it out here:
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Here you'll find whatever random stuff I feel like uploading.