"Minimum effort Productions" (MeP) is exactly what it says, and that's a warning.
You get what you pay for. No one pays for any of this. So there's that.
At "M.e.P. " we believe the true key to success is keeping your expectations low. Very low.
There's no format to this other than me messing around with various editing ideas for absolutely no reason.
------------ Artistic autonomy comes first. -----------------
Any input from the artists in the COMMENTS section or Messenger, as to the playlist, tags or other info, can be posted on the videos.
Artists, please let me know if you'd like a particular video pulled down or roughly edited.
The audio tends to be reasonably good 2 channel mid-side recordings or ZOOM camera.
Sometimes I use a portable unit, sometimes an actual quality mic setup and occasionally a potato.
I have an Archive of around 1,500 videos. 15% of it online.