Welcome to Kasun Kalhara youtube channel. My name who runs this channel is H.A.KasunKalhara and my Facebook and Instagram pages links are added below. My whatsapp number is also used below to contact me directly.
Channel About *
I bring you octapad cover and octapad lessons through this channel, and music concerts are also uploaded as per most demand. Since most of the videos are of my own octapad playing, I am also the one appearing in those videos.
My Media Links *
My Whatsapp Number - 0717219955
Insta Link - www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1qpt5e952f1sp…
Face Book Link - www.facebook.com/hakasun.kalhara
Tik tok link - vt.tiktok.com/ZSdtj1sMx/