You are welcome to reupload all of my videos just in case if this channel gets taken down.
How I got my original channel "Superjoshrollins" taken down:
When I woke up in the morning on Novermber 18 2020, my channel got deleted without my notice and provocation. I respectful emailed the youtube community and talked about how unfair it is for them to delete my channel etc. However, Youtube rejected my appeal without any explanation. That's pretty much how I got it taken down. By the way, sorry for not coming back earlier on. The reason why I didn't create a new channel earlier on because I was going through depression before and after I got my channel taken down. So feel free to reupload any of my compilation videos if you want with credit because I don't know if I'm going to get screwed again by Youtube. I don't have all of my videos that I use to have on my channel but I do have a few, so I think I'm going to remake the ones that were deleted on my laptop (storage).