I take donation this my cash app buckshow09 and my email wheelerjrjr@gmail.com Address 1805 ST NE Live Oak FLA. Zip 32064 . A little bit about myself don't like drama he say she say I like to help people and feed the Homeless I don't like the gragg what I do for people I do it for my heart and will be said I talked about you won't hear what I do for you my mama raised 5 kids four boys and one girl I got raised up in a regular strike house came up the Hardway I got bullied and picked on at School but look at me now God is good follow your dreams that's what I'm going to do thank you all for having me and liking my show that pain is still there my father bruised me that means left me when I was 3 years old me and my sister always wanted a father he's dead to me Life Goes my mama had to be my father and Mama we living in a car tote water and missed it on a bucket had a flat top roof lose 2 rain in the house I came up the hard way follow me on Facebook and Tik-Tok Instagram thank God