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Kingdom Seekers Ministry

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God will pour out His wrath upon all unrighteousness turn to God repent today The Lord is the strength of our heart and our portion forever hallelujah! Do Not Worry God Will Provide! Hallelujah we are not alone for the Lord God is with us! God will always be God and His word shall forever stand! Warfare prayer for the family This Lord is our strength and our hope!🕊 Count it ALL Joy Victory belongs to Jesus!🙌🏾 Purpose in tribulation Romans 5:3-5🕊 God always leads into triumph in Christ the victory belongs to Jesus! Hallelujah 🙌🏾 If God is for us who can be against us? Romans 8:31 Your hope in God is not in vain..He cannot fail nor lie! Praise God for he is our hope! Ephesians 2:12 Who Do you say Jesus is? How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to the word of God! Abide in the love of God🕊 Warfare Prayer for Financial breakthrough 🔥🔥 The key to success is doing exactly what God said Joshua 1:8NKJV Put Your Hope in God alone Isaiah! 40:31 NKJV Same God then, Same God Now! Light shall have no communion with darkness! #Christislife Happy Thanksgiving Have a grateful heart in all things! The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation not man’s abilities or appearance! #powerofGod July 5, 2024 The Word gives Light and Life! #abundantlife #kingdomlife Walk In Love! #abundantlife #kingdomlife Words Have Power! #abundantlife #kingdomlife Let your conversation be full of Grace and seasoned with salt! #abundantlife #kingdomlife What God Really Wants Is Obedience! #obeyGod #repent #beholy Your Help comes From The Lord! #abundantlife #kingdomlife #jesuschrist Keep The Word of the Lord! #abundantlife #kingdomlife #jesuschrist His Truth is Our Refuge! #abundantlife #kingdomlife #byfaith #jesuschrist A slave to sin or a slave to righteousness? #abundantlife #jesuschrist #relationship #kingdomlife The truth you know shall make you free! #kingdomthinking #abundantlife #jesuschrist #byfaith Delay and drought due to disobedience? Obey the Lord! #abundantlife #kingdomthinking #jesuschrist The Power of God’s Peace! #abundantlife #kingdomthinking #jesuschrist #byfaith #kingdomteachings Is There anything too hard for God? #Godisable #shorts Choose Life Choose God! All Things Through Christ! Guard your mind Guard your heart! Faith Is belief in action! Be As A Child! Believe God Take Action! Faithfulness To God brings favor with God and man! ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭1:19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land Christ has set of free from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. We are free indeed! Greater is He that is in you! 1John 4:4 New season, focus be certain and have Faith!