I am Sunette Spies. An EXTRA ORDINARY South African farm girl with an EXTRAORDINARY gift of Portalling :)
I have been Portalling for the past 13 years as well as walking a path with Desteni, EQAFE and the Desteni I Process. Now expanding into Self and Living and School of Ultimate Living.
In this YouTube Channel I will share with you a variety of topics, perspectives and realisations - from beings Portalling through me to my (Sunette) personal journey and experience in this lifetime, dealing with everyday life moments. How I incorporate the principles of forgiveness, living change, equality and oneness, what's best for all and SO MUCH MORE into my purpose of realizing and living my utmost / best potential - despite the challenges of being and living in this world.
My purpose is to assist and support with bringing forth / rebirthing the awareness of our utmost / best potential as individuals - a support you will notice as a constant in all that I do.
ENJOY exploring!!!