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FPA CLASSICS ( Lobster Films Collection )

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Laurel and Hardy. Do detectives think ? 1927. #laurelandhardy #burlesqueshow #burlesquemovie Charlie Chaplin, The Property Man. 1914 #charliechaplin #burlesqueshow Buster Keaton in Steamboat Bill, JR. 1928. #steamboat #busterkeaton #burlesqueshow Buster Keaton in Steamboat Bill, Jr. Cadet d’eau douce. 1928 #busterkeaton #burlesqueshow #steamboat The Battle of the Century, Laurel and Hardy. 1927. #laurelandhardy #burlesqueshow Buster Keaton in College. 1927. #busterkeaton #rkopictures #burlesquemovie Sylvia Scarlett with Katharine Hepburn. Directed by George Cukor, 1935. #katharinehepburn #rko Hard, Fast and Beautiful with Sally Forrest. Directed by Ida Lupino, 1951. #idalupino #sallyforrest Bringing up baby with Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn. Directed by Howard Hawks. 1938. #carygrant Love affair, with Irene Dunne and Charles Boyer. Directed by Leo McCarey, 1939. #irenedunne Dance, Girl, Dance with Maureen O’Hara. Dorothy Arzner. 1940 #maureenohara #hollywoodmovies #rko Clash by night with Marylin Monroe. Fritz Lang, 1952. #marilynmonroe #fritzlang #rkopictures King Kong. 1933. With Fay Wray. #kingkong #rkopictures #hollywoodmovies #faywray Fred Astaire dancing in The Gay Divorcee. 1934 #fredastaire #rkopictures #hollywoodmovies Top Hat, Mark Sandrich. 1935 #fredastaire #gingerrogers #tophat #dancemovie #dance Dance, Girl, Dance. Dorothy Arzner. 1940 👯‍♀️ #musical #dorothyarzner #dance #rkopictures Christmas Night. Le Petit Roi. Jim Tyer, 1933. #christmas #Petitroi #santa #noel #dessinanimé TOP HAT, Mark Sandrich. 1935 / FRED ASTAIRE DANCING #tophat #fredastaire #fredastairedance #rko Love Affair (Elle et Lui), Leo McCarey. 1939 #loveaffair #elleetlui #irenedunne #rko #oldmovies FRESH HARE, Friz Freleng / 1942 Bugs Bunny #bugsbunny #christmas #noel #dessinanimé MY FAVORITE WIFE - Garson Kanin / 1940 / RKO Pictures #myfavoritewife #irenedunne #carygrant