Sophia Shang 自2001年作为安大略省大多伦多地区资深地产专家20年之久,本着为人诚信,认真负责,时刻恪守客户的利益永远放在第一位的宗旨,凭借出色的专业素质及对地产投资的独到眼光,客户满意度极高,业绩突出,荣获过金奖,最高业绩奖,总统大奖,全球华人杰出创业家奖等殊荣。Sophia注重服务质量,力求为客户提供世界级品质的服务;十分注重口碑相传-大部分客户来自于老客户推荐。
Sophia 在紧张繁忙的工作之余,先后荣幸的获得业界罕经纪拥有的四大认证证书:安省住宅房产评估师,豪宅地产学院成员,持牌豪宅市场专家职称及 百万美金成员。
Sophia Shang, as a 20-years of real estate experience Realtor, Serving the needs of buyers, sellers, and investors throughout the Great of Toronto area since year 2001, Sophia specializing in serving local, and international customers with their real estate acquisitions. After many years of tireless hard work and determination, Sophia has helped several hundred families to buy and sell home in Toronto, and achieved many awards including: Gold Award, Top Producer Award, President Award and much more.
Sophia also proudly has earned four prestigious designations with her highly successful track record: Member of Institute for Luxury Home Marketing/CLHMS-Certified Luxury Home Specialist/GUILD- Million Dollar Guild ......