OneMoreTune was born as an attempt to describe the amazing music scene of Dublin. This means that every night - seriously - you might go to a different concert, or more than one.
The people behind OneMoreTune did it for a while - and fell in love with more then one singer/songwriter - so they could not resist asking them a few questions. This means in most cases grabbing artists in the backstage after or before the concert, with little light and little time. But where there is will..:)
We interview Irish and International artists who are in Dublin for a concert, plus interesting people who work in the local music business.
Visit our webiste for behind the scenes and extra content.
We hope you will enjoy our interviews, and that you'll send us all of your enthusiasm/joy/rage/shouts in the comments. We'll read and try hard to do better, promise.
Rock and roll,
The OneMoreTune staff (which sounds like a crowd, but it's 2 girls only. Seriously)