Hey there, I'm TV!
I create extensions and mixes of various anime, video game, TV show and movie themes. Every song is put together via Audacity.
My style involves capturing the days of old where video game music would seamlessly loop without necessarily diving right back into the introduction of the song. That’s what I strive for in my releases, so some songs will have rearrangements depending on how they’re designed originally.
I’ll also pick different parts to extend within a piece, so those “epic moments” of a song I’ll extend and bring the song back around to either an action packed portion or find a way to have it blend towards a calmer part.
Additionally I will mix themes together if they share similar motifs and melodies, such as with DIO, Kira or Diavolo’s themes. I’m always open to requests for extensions or mixes so just leave me a comment on any video you like or feel free to reach out via twitter.
Contact Details:
@tvthepunisher on Twitter