GodDoesLoveYou.info - Is God / Jesus real? Of course. Sorry the world is trying to turn its back on God, but He still loves us. Why I personally don't know. God is the supreme being in this universe. He always was. Atheist claim things against him and Jesus which is funny because they're not even supposed to believe in Him. lol. w/e.
Do you want a warm blanket? What I mean by that is, would you rather have love, security, a secret person to talk too? - We all need "someone" to believe in and talk to and hope to and pray to. We all want loved. We all want to love. Yes, sometimes our lives suck and we we're treated like crap. Of course. It happens but hating is not the answer. Hate hurts. It's pain and abandonment in general and hurts you and those you may want to love eventually. - On the other hand, haters are wimps. They know they are. They are hurting and they hate as a shield. They don't want love.. at least not now.