Nadayana is an artist dedicated to self-discovery through music. Through an authentic expression he is translating the voices of handpan and gong into a momentum, a refreshing healing soundscape revigorated by a deep connection between artist and sound. While the sanskrit therm “nadam” is the inner sound, the “Aum” found in deep mystical meditation, Nadayana is an invitation to rediscover the inner music beyond what we hear with our physical ears, a mirror to see a more authentic version of ourself.
The blend of handpan with thailandese gong is a world premiere. The uniqueness of this acoustic synergy is reinforcing the ethereal sounds of handpan with the organic bass of the gong bringing depth and harmony. It’s like joining the heaven and earth, the contemporary and the ancient, the future and past into the “Now”, bridging between worlds and offering a holistic sound spectrum massage experience.