The Pontic Youtube is a channel in wich we will all be able to find pieces of our lovely fatherland, pieces of our ancestors, pieces of PONTOS. Here we will upload as many songs as we can so that we will create a huge, rich in sound and image, pontian "file". But what is PONTOS ? when we say Pontos we refer to the geographic area of the coasts of south Black Sea. There was were the Greek "IONIAN" tribe collonised the area and wrote history for 3.000 years. Untill 1900-1922 when these people were brutally deported by the turkish government. Allthough there are still some Pontians living there, but they have become muslims, unlike the old Pontians. The rest of them run back to Greece, where they live today, dreaming and remembering of their old fatherlands. Now both Turkish and Greek Pontians meet each other, talking, remembering, sharing, about their common origin, under the sweet sound of the Pontian lyra, Kementze.
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