Basically this channel is to document some of the fun things I'm doing in semi-retirement. I am not a machinist, electrician, welder or IT guru. I have a Aircraft Powerplant Mechanics license so am familiar with inspection and measuring tools, and electricity is an integral part of aircraft mechanic licensing as is welding.
I became interested in computers back in the days of DOS, DR-DOS and Windows 3.1 which ended up with my having a passion for the Adobe Creative Suite programs.
I built a shop behind my home and initially acquired a 14 X 40 lathe and a Gear Head Mill Drill.... Then I discovered Heavy Iron... Kearney & Trecker to be precise, after watching many online videos by Keith Fenner who is one of the most talented individuals I have ever had the pleasure of watching work! Be sure to look him up on Youtube and donate to keep his videos coming.