in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Hello Everyone,
In my case, as a Christian researcher & counter cult evangelist & apologist, I have visited numerous anti-Christian places of worship over the past 43 years since I was called by the Holy Spirit on May 16, 1981 to Jesus Christ ("Born Again" - John 3:3-8, Romans 8:16, etc). I did this to gain more information about them so that I might be a better evangelist to lost people trapped in these false religions in order to try to pull some of these people out of the fire as the Bible says to do (Jude 23, "23 and for others, save, snatching them out of the fire; and on others have mercy with fear, hating even the tunic polluted by the flesh.").
I have been to Christian Science Reading Rooms (Mind Science religion created by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879),
Mormon Temples & Wards (People Become Gods of Their Own Planets by Founder Joseph Smith, Jr in 1830),
Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Halls & Conventions (Created by Charles Taze Russell in 1870 - you must be in his religion or you will be annihilated),
Hindu Temples (Millions of pagan gods),
Big General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in San Antonio, Texas (Keep the Sabbath Day or Doom Awaits started by Ellen G. White & others 1863),
Muslim Mosque on campus (Islam created by Muhammad in 610 CE, long after Jesus established His Gospel),
Roman Catholic churches & student centers (Peter was not the first pope, Seven Sacraments Religion evolved over centuries to get saved by priests called "Alter Christus" meaning "another Christ" which is condemned in 2 Corinthians 11:4),
Occult bookstores (Salvation by Demonic Activity) & a Witches convention which I was thrown out of in Houston, Texas (Witchcraft condemned in Exodus 22:18, etc,),
Unification Church of Reverend Moon local headquarters in Austin, Texas (Jesus was a Failure, Rev Moon is Better religion started by Moon on May 1, 1954),
American Atheists Convention & Madalyn Murray-O'Hair herself slammed the door in my face at the Atheist Center in Austin, TX (God Does Not Exist Religion, O'Hair founded "American Atheists" in 1963),
Unity School of Christianity churches (New Age religion, Jesus is just a man not god but has a "Christ consciousness" as all New Agers have the same thing, "God slumbers in the Rocks," founded by Charles & Myrtle Fillmore 1889),
United Pentecostal Churches (Oneness Cult denying the Trinity founded in 1945, St. Louis, Missouri),
Health & Wealth Gospel churches (Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, & other money making lying deceivers, origins with New Thought movement in the 1800s & evolved greatly in America in the 1950s),
Campbellite Churches of Christ (water baptism in their church to get saved - created by Alexander Campbell & friends in 1827 with a true water baptism they believed in that "Restored the Ancient Gospel" after all the centuries of confusion),
visited the Church of Scientology of Austin, Texas (Science Fiction Religion created by L. Ron Hubbard in 1954)
& other smaller false religions, etc. When I look back at all the places I've researched & been to I think of that old Johnny Cash song, "I've been everywhere."
2 Timothy 4:2-5, "2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and teaching. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, 4 and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. 5 But you,be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."
I bring up all this to introduce this short 8 minute video that I posted on our YouTube channel. I must admit that I have never been to Ukraine or have visited a Russian Orthodox Church (Eastern Orthodox religion - works righteousness religion similar to Roman Catholicism). Therefore the next best thing I could do was interview a good friend of mine Jesse Waters who has actually done both. I found his experience to be a fascinating one as he described it to me. The name of the video is "Dark & Creepy Atmosphere in Russian Orthodox Churches in Ukraine Especially If You're Not Used To It" at .
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Hello Everyone,
Found a well known wolf in sheep's clothing. Here's our video concerning that called "Filthy Rich Billy Graham Unites With False Religions & False Gospels To Gain Popularity & More Money" at . Description text - 00:00 Click on time markers to analyze this video quickly. Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas & the YouTube channel (CAnswersTV stands for Christian Answers Television) is the speaker. See our playlist "Dealing With Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Idolatry & the Virgin Mary" with 285 videos & counting at . 7:13 Program begins. Billy Graham Net Worth: Evangelist Was One of the Richest Pastors in America at . 10:11 CNN's King interviews Graham who says he can't judge Jews, Muslims & other nonbelievers concerning Jesus & His gospel. Graham says he's not called to judge yet 1 John 4:1 says "but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." Graham says he is only called to spread "Love."
11:57 Video called "Exclusive Interview with Dave Hunt about the Gospel-less Mother Teresa & Compromiser Billy Graham" at . Hunt mentions that Graham says that the Pope & Graham agree on almost everything & their differences aren't important.
15:48 Billy Graham lovers defend Graham as some kind of hero in the comments section so Larry created a response comment to refute them.
18:10 "Billy Graham: The Compromising Prophet, Ecumenism, Romanism, Apostasy, Separation" at .
20:30 "The Gospel According to Billy Graham" at . Gospel of Arminian Decisionalism based on Graham's false doctrine that Man is searching for God contradicting the Bible which says Man is not searching for God at all (Romans 3:10-11, "11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God."). Graham falsely teaches you can get yourself "born again" (John 3:3-8) by making the right decision despite John 1:13, "Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.".
34:03 "Dr Billy Graham – The Pope's Cheerleader!" at . Graham said of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen when he died in 1979 that his death was “a great loss to the nation ... He was one of the greatest preachers of this century.” Graham said of Pope John Paul II that he was "the most influential voice ... in the world during the last 100 years." John Paul II directed people to the Virgin Mary more than to Jesus. See also .
38:54 "Article Calling Mormonism a 'Cult' Removed From Billy Graham Website" at . Graham & his son Franklin Graham support Mormon politician Mitt Romney.
41:18 "FPC Position on Those Who Compromise with Apostasy" at . Graham compromises with apostate religions to create an apostate Evangelical religion ("Christianity Today"). Graham's religion is "love" over Biblical orthodox doctrine & that pagans are not lost.
49:55 "Billy Graham's Compromise with Rome" at… . Graham's perverted gospel of "New Evangelicalism."
56:23 "Billy Graham & Rome & Apostates" at… . Romanism teaches Jesus died to create the Roman Catholic priesthood.
1:03:11 "Billy Graham's Apostasy" at… . Fake Christians (Matt 7:13-27). Unrepentant Graham teaches universalism. Graham thinks hell is a burning thirst for God that can never be quenched.
1:13:43 Graham himself says the Body of Christ is anyone or everyone whether they know about Jesus or not. Different religions do not matter.
1:15:17 Review of Graham's history of heresy: 1. Graham receives honorary degree from Catholic college 2. Turns Catholic converts back to Romanism 3. No hell, etc.
1:23:03 Graham just another phony money making lying TV preacher creating deluded followers. Multiple examples of other phony TV preachers (see our playlist).
1:27:55 Response to John 3:16 in contrast to the Biblical hatred of God. Telling people they are saved when actually they're not. Click on "Bible Says Most Will Go to Eternal Damnation But a Few Will Receive God's Grace & Go To Eternal Joy" at .
1:39:42 Graham's false gospel & false crusades.
1:41:19 Graham is partner to multitudes of damnable heretics.
1:43:17 For whom did Christ die? Who is saved & who is not? The word “love” is never used in the Book of Acts, neither is “mercy”.
1:50:18 Hosea 9:14-15, God says He "will love them no more."
1:58:31 Free newsletters & our new monthly digital ones - send email requests to
2:00:45 Sign off, John 14:6, subscribe
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Hello Everyone,
We just uploaded a new video called "Catholic Beliefs of Praying to the Dead, Praying for the Dead & Praying to Relics & Idols" at . Being a good Roman Catholic means praying to get dead people out of Purgatory so you can help them to be saved & take part in being their savior along side with Jesus & Mary. The Mormons get baptized in their Mormon Temples for dead people to help them be saved so false religions always come up with ways to save the dead one way or another. Matthew 7:15, "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."
Does Acts 9:40 support praying to dead saints?
No, Acts 9:40 does not in any way support the practice of praying to dead saints. The passage is about Peter raising a girl from the dead by commanding her to “arise.” It certainly displays the power and authority of Christ over death. It shows that power miraculously at work in the apostolic era. But it is not even remotely related to the idea of praying to dead saints. Peter prays before directing his words toward the girl. He is clearly praying to God. He is not praying to the girl to raise herself. The girl who has died does not take on an intercessory role in heaven. Peter does not appeal to the girl for any sort of help or favor at all. Being dead, she is the one in need of help, and Peter raises her in Christ’s name. There is nothing in this passage (or anywhere else in Scripture) that even hints at the idea of praying to dead saints.
The argument
Many Roman Catholics are content to argue for practices like prayers to dead saints entirely from alleged “apostolic tradition” wholly apart from written Scripture. Some, however, attempt to bolster their claims by appealing to biblical verses that allegedly support the practice. One such approach is to appeal to stories like the one found in Acts 9:40. The verse comes from an account of Peter raising a young girl named Tabitha from the dead. The verse reads:
“But Peter sent them all out and knelt down and prayed, and turning to the body, he said, ‘Tabitha, arise.’ And she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter, she sat up,” (Acts 9:40).
The argument is that, when Peter says, “Tabitha, arise,” he is speaking to a dead girl and expecting her to hear him and respond. How, the Roman Catholic argues, is that morally any different from praying to a dead saint? Aren’t Catholics just doing what Peter did when he spoke to this girl who had died? No. What they are doing is entirely different.
Authority over death
The story in Acts 9:40 is not unique. Indeed, it is rather similar to the story of Jesus raising of Jairus’ daughter in the gospels, where we read:
“Taking the child by the hand, He [i.e., Jesus] said to her, ‘Talitha kum!’ (which translated means, ‘Little girl, I say to you, get up!’). Immediately the girl got up and began to walk, for she was twelve years old. And immediately they were completely astounded,” (Mark 5:41-42).
Jesus raised others through verbal commands as well. Note, for example:
“When He had said these things, He cried out with a loud voice, ‘Lazarus, come forth.’ The man who had died came forth, bound hand and foot with wrappings, and his face was wrapped around with a cloth. Jesus said to them, ‘Unbind him, and let him go,’” (John 11:43-44).
“And He came up and touched the coffin; and the bearers came to a halt. And He said, ‘Young man, I say to you, arise!’ The dead man sat up and began to speak. And Jesus gave him back to his mother,” (Luke 7:14-15).
In every one of these stories, Jesus (or, in Acts, Peter through the power of Jesus) is not attempting to converse with the spirits of the dead. He is commanding a dead, lifeless body to come back to life. The people are amazed, not because departed souls heard from beyond and responded, but because stone-cold corpses were resuscitated! These are not passages about the permissibility of (much less the virtue in) praying to those who have died. They are about Jesus’ great power over even death itself!
Indeed, these passages are not at all rooted in the idea that death is an exalted state of unique power and intercessory privilege. The dead are not presented in these stories as those who can help us, even by merely appealing to God on our behalf. Quite the opposite! In these accounts, the dead are the ones in need of deliverance! Jesus (whether in the flesh or through his Apostles) shows mercy on these dead individuals by raising them. The entire hope of the New Testament is our future bodily resurrection from death forever. Death is an enemy; indeed, it is the final enemy that Christ will abolish, (1 Corinthians 15:26)!
There is no sense whatsoever in which these passages represent prayers to the dead. When prayer does feature in such stories, the prayer is always to God, never to any dead intermediaries. The words spoken to the one who has died are never presented as anything like prayers. They are never even presented as words to the person’s soul in Sheol. They are words of authority spoken over dead earthly bodies commanding those bodies to come back to life. Acts 9:40 explicitly says, “turning to the body, he said…” These are not prayers or appeals to the spirits of the dead in paradise. The Roman Catholic practice of praying to dead saints finds no support in biblical stories like these. The very fact that Roman Catholics feel they need to turn to strained connections like this to argue their point illustrates how alien such practices are to churches of the New Testament.
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Hello! We would like to recommend an up & coming YouTube channel @ExaminingAdventism. Founded by a former fourth generation Seventh-day Adventist; this channel focuses on examining Seventh-day Adventist doctrines by comparing them side-by-side with the Scriptures. This channel is primarily dedicated to understanding the religion of Seventh-day Adventists, however, other denominations will occasionally be addressed.
Their Objective: To proclaim the one true and only saving gospel of Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:16-20, 2 Cor. 5:21, 1 Cor. 15:3-4, Rom. 10:9-10, Gal. 2:16-20, Acts 4:12, Acts 16:31) while at the same time defending the gospel (Jude 1:3, 1 Peter 3:15, 2 Cor. 10:5). If you have not done so already, you need to check them out & help their channel grow by subscribing to their channel. Here is the link to the channel: .
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Hi everyone, here is a new video from Christian Answers. God Bless
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(Answers 8000 Bible questions & answers arguments used by critics. Our newsletters are here also, click on the "Experience" box on the homepage & scroll down.)
(This site covers early Christian church history & doctrine. See our YOUTUBE video series, "Early Christian Church History."
(Examines the truth claims of Muhammad's Islamic religion from primary Muslim sources.)
(By former Roman Catholic priest for 22 years Richard Bennett)
(A Christian Witness to Roman Catholicism by Rob Zins, Th.M, Dallas Theological Seminary)
Refutation of King James Onlyism - see playlist "Dealing with Phony TV Preachers (TBN) & King James Onlyites" at .
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