The Slavic history has been manipulated
The Slavs had different names over the past centuries: Estrucan,Antes, Wendish,Venedi, Veneti, Enetoi,Hatti,Hittite,Thracians,Scynthians, Sarmatians, Slavs, Sclaveni, Pelasgians, Phrygians etc.
The Slavs are party of asia, millennia ago, and conquered a huge part of europe and of asia!
The Slavs are the most numerous of the white peoples, and are the direct descendants of the Aryan people quoted in the Hindu writings.
The genetic and linguistic affinities between the Slavs and Indo-Aryans have been demonstrated. The relationship between the Slavs and Indo-Aryans is much closer than it is between the Indo-Aryans and the speakers of Germanic, Greek or Romance languages.