Hello, here I'm gonna try and bring back a bunch of Touhou music and vids that have been lost to deleted channels and ect, as well as doing some stuff with songs I like and have saved.
If you want me to take down a vid cuz your content is in it please let me know. I will do what I can to provide credit where it's due. I own none of the music and it's not likely for me to use my own art. If I make a mistake in a description please let me know so I can fix it
I am also open to adding subs if I have the lyrics and translation! In some cases I may just need the translation, however in most cases I'll likely need both. I am no expert though, I just try my best with what I've got.
I don't speak Japanese so Japanese songs I sub I do based on lyrics, romaji, and translations I have managed to find.
I have no intention to profit from this!
Banner: www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/12731851
pfp: www.zerochan.net/1119844
added my twitter link so you can know the person running this