If you need deliverance, email me at lloyd.chin@pm.me
Or message me at: www.messenger.com/t/lloyd.chin
I was an average christian, but am now being transformed by the Holy Spirit. This process started in Aug/Sept 2014.
Some very amazing things have been happening on this journey. I'll try to explain the miraculous things that I have seen and been a part of.
God is real. There is no doubt in my mind now. I myself have healed and cast demons out of myself and other people. In the previous 25 years, I was your average theoretical christian, who understood the bible superficially but did not experience it. Now, I'm actually living out the bible...
Turn to the Lord. Start a relationship with him with you as slave and him as master. If you do, amazing experiences await you too. My testimony can be found here: www.testofbelievers.com/about/