Hello there and welcome to my small corner of the internet.
I'm Lbat1901, feel free to call me Leo, and I'll be your host
"What do you do on here exactly?"
That's simple. I have no friggin clue.
Just kidding! I upload a variety of things such as:
- PMVs (picture music videos)
- Short videos that I make on TikTok (yeah, its nothing too special)
- Upload soundtracks (sometimes)
- Unboxing/opening videos (again, sometimes)
- Daycore videos (I do these alot)
I don't have much of an upload schedule. I just upload whenever I want.
If you find any of content interesting, feel free to subscribe (or not).
If you want to get into contact me please consider using the links below
My Discord name is: lbat1901.
Feel free to DM me anytime just don't start the convo with "hi" or "hey" and not bother to add anything else
My email (for business inquiries or video requests ONLY): awesomepythor17@gmail.com